
A framework for distributed, large-scale image registration.

itk-dreg version build-test-publish


The ITK Distributed Registration module (itk-dreg) provides a framework based on the Insight Toolkit (ITK) and the dask.distributed library for the purpose of registering large-scale images out of memory.

Traditional image registration techniques in ITK and other libraries (Elastix, ANTs) require in-memory processing, meaning those techniques load images fully in memory (RAM) during registration execution. Meanwhile, large image datasets can occupy terabytes of data for a single image on the cloud and far exceed available memory. itk-dreg addresses this issue as a map-reduce problem where images are successivly subdivided into subimages, registered, and then composed into a descriptive output. Multiple itk-dreg registration graphs may be executed in succession to yield a pipeline for multiresolution image registration.

itk-dreg provides three major components:

  • Concepts to describe the map-reduce registration problem;

  • A user-ready registration method to produce itk.DisplacementFieldTransforms from out-of-memory registration with Dask scheduling and ITKElastix registration;

  • A developer framework to extend itk-dreg with novel registration and reduction methods.


pip install itk-dreg


itk-dreg is distributed under the Apache-2.0 permissive license.

Questions and Queries¶

itk-dreg is part of the Insight Toolkit tools ecosystem for medical image processing. We encourage developers to reach out to the ITK community with questions on the ITK Discourse forums. Those interested in custom or commercial development should reach out to Kitware to learn more.